donderdag 24 september 2009

Skin: Glance - Doutzen
Glove: Glance
Hair: Jolie Femme - Audrey
Lash: Lelutka

Patking Face face face!!

Patking Face face face!!, originally uploaded by Patking Miles.
Skin: Curio
Hair: Analogdog
Not many skins can pass the "CLOSE-UP" test....This one does!

Feeling the Lelutka Summer fierceness!

Skin: Redgrave
Dress: Lelutka

zaterdag 20 juni 2009

Summer Sunshine

Summer sunshine1, originally uploaded by Patking Miles.
My first one...can't wait for the summer..SUNSHINE!!..WARM!!...HOT!!..
Hair: Analogdog (Moded)
Top: Kunglers
Skin: Curio
Lashes: Lelutka